By MFPE member Patrick Wayne, Child and Family Services
Public service is alive and thriving in Montana thanks to MFPE members. In the DPHHS Child and Family Services Division the daily routine has changed a bit. Many have made laundry rooms, kitchen tables, and vehicles into temporary offices. Many others are still working hard at the office to keep child safety a top priority. Our offices are closed to the public, but we are still interacting daily with the public . Granted, we made a dramatic shift to phone meetings and use of video chat meetings. And in a time of uncertainty, there are dozens of workers across the state still responding by knocking on doors and engaging families and keeping children safe.
Sure, the protocols have changed. We exercise much more caution, wash our hands a lot, and keep our distance; however, child abuse and neglect is still being investigated and assessed in our communities across the state. Families are still being provided resources to keep their families together and stronger. And if needed, children are being placed into safer care.
Please follow social distancing protocols. The longer public employees can stay healthy, the longer we can still do our job.