If you are attending the 2021 MFPE Educator Conference virtually, please call 916-676-7468 or [email protected] for assistance.

Virtual (V) and Live stream (L) Sessions will be available through midnight Monday in case you were unable to attend due to the temporary internet outage.

2021 Educator Conference

Great Falls October 21-22, 2021

Helping our members succeed in their careers is a top priority for MFPE. That’s why, each year, we sponsor the Educator Conference -- the best professional development of its kind anywhere.

MFPE is teaming up with 18 Montana curriculum groups to bring you the best in teacher-led professional learning hybrid conference in 2021. More than 350 workshops, keynotes, & institutes are being offered in 2021's hybrid conference. No matter what there is something for everyone. And you can earn renewal units!

Conference Location:  C.M. Russell High School

Conference Schedule:

Thursday, October 21, 2021           8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Friday, October 22, 2021                8:00 am - 5:00 pm


Where to stay: Great Falls Area Lodging

Already registered for the conference.

I need to...

  • Complete my evaluations - Last day to complete October 29th
  • Retrieve my renewal certificate - Not available until November 5th


Conference Registration Fees 



Our participating curriculum groups would like to encourage presenters and participants to expand their horizons at the conference by visiting other areas of interest.

MFPE 2021 Educator Conference - Great Falls will be a hybrid conference offering both virtual and in-person sessions.  Due to the uncertainty with the COVID pandemic, MFPE could change the platform at anytime.

Application to Present: CLOSED

Presenters can....

  • Update their Application(s)
  • Add additional Applications
  • Check their session schedule
  • Register for conference
  • Download presenter voucher
  • Review presenter FAQ

Exhibit Hall

Exhibit Hall Location: C.M. Russell Gym

Exhibit Hall Schedule:

Wednesday, October 20, 2021           4:00 p.m.  - 8:30 p.m. - Set-up only

Thursday, October 21, 2021               7:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m.

Friday, October 22, 2021                    7:30 a.m.—3:00 p.m.

Exhibit Hall Flyer

What will 2021 Hybrid Educator Conference Great Falls look like?

Sessions are being planned for both in the traditional classroom setting and video on demand (VOD). Keynotes will be streamed live from the conference location.  Participants can attend the conference at C.M.R. High School or virtually from the comfort of their home during the MFPE's annual Educator Conference.  Seating will be limited register for sessions to reserve your seat.



Pre-registration and payment deadline:  October 18

Session Selection Deadline: October 19

Session Evaluation Deadline: October 29

Renewal Certificate Printing: November 5



Masks will be required.



If you have registered and not received an email confirmation check your junk file folder for an email.


Questions? contact Jami Wood at [email protected]



2022 October 20-21 Helena

2023 October 19-20 Billings

2024 October 17-18 Bozeman