ESP of the Year: Nominate TODAY and Apply by Sept. 8th

June 20, 2024 / Comments (0)


We KNOW MFPE members know a classified school employee (maybe you) who fits this description:

  • positively impacts student learning, social-emotional well-being, health, and/or safety
  • positively impacts families and/or the local community
  • uses union engagement and activism to positively impact other school employees’ professional importance and reputation, wages, working conditions, and/or effectiveness
  • positively impacts colleagues

Who’s a “classified school employee”? They’re the paraprofessionals, education support professionals, bus drivers, cafeteria workers, maintenance and janitorial staff, and so many others who help students be successful in pre-school or Head Start all the way through college, and it’s time to select the next MFPE Education Support Professional of the Year (ESPOTY).

In addition to being honored at MFPE’s Celebration of Education, MFPE’s awardee will receive expenses-paid travel to the NEA ESP National Conference and will be invited to address the MFPE Annual Conference.

Please send your nomination using the document below to Donna Graveley at [email protected] by July 31st. Donna will then send them our application due September 1st.

Send your nomination in today. No, it’s not weird to nominate yourself!

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