Jerry Lynch - Chief Justice, MT Supreme Court

Judge Jerry Lynch is experienced, dedicated, and fair. During his career as a federal magistrate, Jerry proved his commitment to protecting the rights of all individuals. As Chief Justice, Jerry will protect the Montana Constitution and serve with independence, integrity, and honesty.

Katherine Bidegaray - Associate Justice, MT Supreme Court

District Court Judge Katherine Bidegaray has served Northeast Montana for over twenty years. Katherine is running for the Montana Supreme Court to defend our constitutional rights, including our rights to education and public lands.

Jon Tester - U.S. Senate

There's no better champion for us and the Montanans we serve than Senator Tester. Let's have his back just as he's always had ours.

Ryan Busse & Raph Graybill - Governor & Lt. Governor

Ryan and Raph will stand up for Montana's public schools, public services, and our workplace freedoms. They'll make sure MFPE members have the resources we need to teach Montana's students, keep our communities safe, and make public services operate efficiently.

Shannon O'Brien - Superintendent of Public Instruction

Who's ready for a pro-public education, highly qualified, and competent Superintendent of Public Instruction? It's a rhetorical question! Shannon is the candidate to restore OPI's status as a valuable partner to students and educators.

Monica Tranel - Congress, Western District

Monica knows Montana’s public schools and public services provide the stability and security Montanans need to raise our families, start and grow businesses, and protect our way of life.

Ben Alke - Attorney General

MFPE members in law enforcement deserve an independent and thoughtful leader at the helm of the Department of Justice. Every Montanan does. Ben will execute the law, and not engage in political games.

Erin Ferris Olsen - Clerk of the Supreme Court

It's just a regular job, not a political office. We should elect somehow who knows how to do it. Erin knows how to do it.

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