It Takes All of Us to Bargain & Pass Our Pay Plan

After listening to MFPE member concerns, priorities, and needs, our MFPE bargaining team put together and presented an initial bargaining proposal. Our MFPE bargaining initial proposal includes: 

  • An increase of $3.00/hr or 6% (whichever is greater) to employee salaries in 2025 
  • An increase of $3.00/hr or 6% (whichever is greater) to employee salaries in 2026
  • An additional increase to longevity of 1.5% for each 10, 15, 20, or 25 years of uninterrupted service 
  • A monthly increase from the employer of $446 to each employee’s health benefit coverage, bringing the employer’s contribution to $1500 per month 
  • An increase in per diem meal reimbursement to $12 for a morning meal, $15 for a midday meal, and $21 for an evening meal 
  • Increasing the State’s share covering the cost of this package for the Montana University System to 77% 
  • Commence and engage in on-going conversations between MFPE and the administration regarding locality pay for those residing and working in high cost of living communities 
  • Commence and engage in on-going conversations between MFPE and the administration regarding paid caregiver leave 

In 2023, MFPE members’ last pre-budget bargaining process resulted in historic an historic pay plan. It took hard work at the bargaining table and thousands of conversations with legislators to win:

  • $1.50/hr or 4% wage increase July 1st, 2023
  • Another $1.50/hr or 4% wage increase this coming July 1st
  • A freeze to any out-of-pocket health insurance expense increases until 2025
  • $1,000 retention bonus

Now, MFPE members are back fighting for another fair pay plan. The MFPE Pay Plan Action Team is how members working at the State and in the Montana University System can support our MPFE member-led bargaining team. Together, we will:

  • Host worksite meetings to discuss bargaining proposals and updates
  • Ask our co-workers who haven't joined MFPE yet to stand with us by becoming members
    • Make sure your colleagues who haven't joined yet know they can become full members anytime this summer but their dues won't begin until September. Direct them to this membership form.
  • Increase public visibility and build support around bargaining and in the run up to the legislature