House rejects state pay plan again

April 21, 2011 Apr. 27 – The Montana House voted to reconsider the state pay plan, HB 13, yesterday. …...

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April 21, 2011 / Comments (0)

Jim McGarvey to retire

April 19, 2011   Jim McGarvey Apr. 19, 2011 – Jim McGarvey, executive secretary of the Montana State AFL-CIO, …...

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April 19, 2011 / Comments (0)

Help pass the jobs bill

April 18, 2011 Apr. 18 – Today, the only real jobs bill – HB 439 (Hollenbaugh) – is up …...

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April 18, 2011 / Comments (0)

Veto branding begins

April 13, 2011 Gov. Schweitzer brands VETO on the first of several bills Apr. 13.    A branding party …...

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April 13, 2011 / Comments (0)

Teacher tenure attack still in play

April 13, 2011 Apr. 13 – The House has just passed consideration of SB 315 for the day.   …...

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April 13, 2011 / Comments (0)

Budget cut battle

April 12, 2011 April 13 – The legislative majority continues to play shell games with the budget. Here’s where things …...

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April 12, 2011 / Comments (0)

HB603 tabled!

April 11, 2011 Apr. 11 – GOOD NEWS! HB 603 — the insidious school privatization bill — was tabled in …...

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April 11, 2011 / Comments (0)

MEA-MFT Members of the Year

April 6, 2011 From left: Janet Baum, Grant Mitman, and Rich Aarstad More than 350 MEA-MFT members from across …...

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April 6, 2011 / Comments (0)

Rep. Assembly report

April 6, 2011 The largest MEA-MFT Representative Assembly (RA) in history took place in Helena April 1-2. More than …...

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April 6, 2011 / Comments (0)

Vets Home saved for 3rd time

April 4, 2011 Rallying for the Veterans Home in Columbia Falls   Apr. 12 – Could it be the …...

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April 4, 2011 / Comments (0)