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What We're Doing:

During the 2023 Legislature, we beat back some seriously troublesome union busting bills (Again!), executed a statewide legislative and organizing blitz to inform and recruit members, and so much more. Members  and your staff put in countless hours in 2023 to ensure we maintain our rights to organize and bargain collectively.

Looking forward, the only way to make sure all of our hard work is sustained & lasting is to keep our momentum. We must ensure the continuing progress of our union and our workplaces by expanding on them further and pushing into new territory in the coming year.

Some of the ways we hope to accomplish this are:

  • Continuing to bolster and improve our new employee outreach efforts
  • Targeted organizing campaigns based on locations, workplace specifics, etc.
  • Increased training opportunities

There is an exciting upcoming opportunity for members who want to learn more about building MFPE power and want to be a part of our continued growth into the future!

On Saturday February 10th, we will host in-person organizing trainings in several locations across Montana! Join us in one of the locations below and learn how to: reach out to new employees, grow your local and the MFPE family statewide, overcome objections & answer tough questions, as well as how to teach other current and future union leaders the skills to do the same.